Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pray for the Passing

Hard wet snow
made a ball
on mountainside . . .

A change is coming
a safe harbor for all appearances sake

where is justice?
inside carrying scab
fully picked off this hour

dark side creeping
but even powerless
arms electric again

under the rug
choice to crawl
empty cave
is all

and how can safe harbor be
must be fantasy
worse still for me

where is justice
my pay
a finding of peace
in answer to prayer
spoken aloud

seeking death
for a while
and rebirth
hour by hour
nothing has changed
with object's obsession

the hour ticks late
the change . . .

Friday, November 13, 2009

Unlike Kryptonite

The superhero's existential dilema
inviting in intellectual exercise
their alienation from their

but felt in real life~
draining unlike kryptonite
it twists in human weakness
this fragile boy
fatherless like some hebrew myth

romantic era recurrence
the banner flying overhead
the pool strata neighborhood fence
one leap like braniac
shape shifting stealing hens

hour by hour
returning to this hate
and feel this superhero
who has fallen
unlike kryptonite

but as to see
a focus of this simple pain
and my DNA
in want of outlets
writes in secrecy
for anyone to see

this moment
these days
focused on why
who can see
an understanding of pain
hypocrisy and fallacy
unlike kryptonite

a true love fights
and stumbles hard
hurting all around
with words more than actions
unlike kryptonite
this banishment hurts
and it twists and lingers
wonder from man

tantalized and tortured
any way you slice it
unlike kryptonite
pain like the milky way
only felt fully
in deep unconsciousness
this boy is no superman
but his Father that breaths
during sleep is good
and the sun will rise
unlike kryptonite

The Day The Children Sat

Mourning in a spot
first star contemplate
with the beginnings of a setting sun
while native chant overtook my thought
like some language
conveying only heart
and hearing only heart
the star outlasts
outshines the rest
somehow I thought there were others here
checking my pulse

The mourn this hour
overtakes this dramaticity
blips on the screen
wandered off in tartarus
worlds all our own
and there she made my world
but is gone.

Never before

In the playground they take their seats
and the chosen one complains
and points out a logical thing
a third come
and only the laughter from
a mourning soul
can say
sit down children
I am it all~
and we made them both.

Wrecked (Written December, 2003)

Sleep disruption
flew over my nest
without knowing
without leaving
her name

She shout out that I’m lone
I’m crazy time to drone
and to be on
a tarzan swing of hate
and love
jump off

Awoke in ripples of electric
disruption calling out her name
trying to convince subconscious to
seriously consider this one
but how much pain will come?

Sleep disruption on vacation
to mist and frozen flying dust
wash windows of this muck

salt and tires turning
in stomach disrupt
of time teeth new
brushes and old go to
land fills
just as unknown names

rustling leaves
rustles leaves
busy deer
bushy frightened stillwater
jumping hurring to
be staring at head
lights in the sixty
miles road
tired from obsession
calling out
her name
at night in sleep.

The Great Father (Written April 20, 2009)

The last Prophet is the greatest
yet no prophet at all
it all has been said
the last Prophet
is decision and action
not prediction
The last Prophet
lives his vision:
his sight is no matter
The last Prophet
does not say:
“What you sow you reap”
but takes pleasure
in saying:
“I told you so”
In abundance he toils alone
but in his hunger cries
his company abounds
He bends the coin in his teeth
and chokes on rust
He sees the rainbow in the water
but cannot drink
The key to the abyss
He gives to his enemies
and spews the rust he chokes
to kill the locusts
The last Prophet
finds this alone
and is in His head
and brings an end
to good and bad
the Last Prophet
dies in the sea that
washes away his prints
wiping tears from Our eyes
And gives Himself
to whoever persists
to seek Themselves
who are He

The Prophet of Dreams (Written June 2005)

letters left
on leaves
lintels posted pure
a cure a crime
hold my hand and I
my dominance over

let go
and I can converse no more
you are on your own
search like me isolated
deserts of lust and desire
lakes where artificial
floods~unbalance and
insects feeding~drinking

letter found to be read
had a makeout session
come outside the shell
me on tight intellectual
lost conversations of
red white and blue

around the stream corner
deep waters breath held
stand strong on rocks
do the dance
perform the ultimate
wet and sun beaming
dreaming pain
I can not be here
long age gets hold
dead end of evolved~
half adapted and
the environment changes
s-shaped slithering
boned and creaky
freaky to panic at the
age where the last drop
is brought to end the race
to glory and perpetual

Our Scapegoat (Written August 8, 2009)

and what he is
is a whisper
a formation from our consciousness
on the patterned rug
dire~fear your possessions lifted away
and here holy
surrounded I look up to see
floating only in narration
of my sole emotion
pieces of echo still forming
and will you starve
and join the dance?
I left my power in plenty
and pools of resources
unseen and safe
and expiration of breath
on sojourn leaving fungal
hallucinations of being
in cabin for fever of written banter
explained to one
I write~and still live


As squatting
staring in to the drainage pit
I wonder who really is in charge
and what it means to be holy

Among the oily rainbow
towering spent dead trees
low sun mid-afternoon
imperative to multiply even to excess

Double handrail
golden mean
plumb salinity
zip unrational
emotion unbridled
healthy melancholy

She stays out of my way
because I have been told
to remove myself from view
and use the more private facilities

What's the substance of thought these recent days
what philosophies rememberable or memorable
to exaust the calories on such grey matters
to an explanation unsuitable

The egotic arrogance of man
and the trivialities of their correctnessess
dotting their eyes
crossing their teeth
now we get to the meat
in these four walls
this rationality
one thought to the next
unstrung with silly whims
that surely are wrong
and a one truth is right
and man can see
if not at least king of his hill
to enforce what he wills
in this shithole drainage
the runoff of greed
I almost lost myself
but still searching for her
zip up and down the stairs
building additions to my castle
until I find her again
in this neck of the woods
maybe we can spread some
unwanted today
ignorance disease soma secure
the body knows best and doesn't want to die

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Major Star Clusters

Cold as ice
smooth like oil
lent some genetic material

up elipse

clusters burning
dust ignited
billions of dawns left false
from what was had by this course

wandered too close
tangled in over
rosary beads
lost wandering

weeds shoot
spring up
shining philosophies
toes cut off
remnant stars old clippings
just as they are
heat pain lingers all systems
behind masks
addressed in skull
identity social security
ending this never seen
land never seen
never seen
never seen
never seen

thrird spoken pure
saw new
One city

Galaxy after Galaxy . . .

All the traps were set
each complex
with many factors
they all were sprung~
no avail

but one simple
standing alone
turns her head
a kiss

forever had
with one
gentle kiss


The only one
that I can see
picks my strength
to isolate free
and brings it low
to weakened states
then walks away
to prove my strength

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No Enlightenment

Screaming at a driverless boat
because it bumped me
taking revenge on Eros
while arrow still stuck
coming to conclusions
while clues are useless
asking why being is
as it is being
drinking water from a rotten skull
in darkness the water sweet
but in morning light
vomit at sight
yes, yes, yes
get to the point
tired of the view of a finger
when the moon is wanted

I know in this place I am not alone
especially in its extremities

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mythical Male Humor

Shiva longs for the mammatocumulus.

A Simple Memory Stepping Through Time

Scarecrows of God
are nullified in His presence
for I have seen
pairs sit in strange places
watching to catch crumbs
from His throne
and only One knows
the extent of the audacity
of this poem
bless for me


Cycling upwind
thighs burning
pistol down wind
seeking stamen
screaming in a whirlwind
for one brief hour

and now dull
where is passion
worse than any modern coaster ride
chain skipping
high gear power

tears from eyes
in a flat affect
just cycling

thighs burning
lungs working
heart pumping
but tears
in flat affect
just cycling upwind

pollen searching

Dark Musings On Werther

did Goethe write Charlotte's web?
there is nothing a good release
of the pistol can't solve
except judgement of suicide
left over bread

zest in life
zeal to know
prophecy imaginings
such a good guy
this is why
bread gone stale
never known

so projection
with pieces fed
hung like a pig
the black widow said
may the real one
and his reality be happy
for I can never know

Written On a Jet Airliner

The Corpse I ration
black gold for bread
Corpse eye nation
forehead jewel as diadem
what make law for?
dragging dirty ropes
not chains; rings~watch
to create I-ration
in safe paths
free of terror
dread irate roots shake stem

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Sun spattered
shattered islands
milked from one true source
of course there are holes
swaying on the surface of this discourse
cause galactic shards are more than one sun
and a cluster of similar tensions swaying in lenses
just fallen leaf matter after all mostly maple
light canceling
not registering
look the border shadow
dark medium carrying reflections
the heart
a holey mind
sits in all different postures
a break
obsessions deer print alike
a tear
holds solitude so dense for acceptance
sing full lungs of air it breathes
to find the darkness
where there is eternal ease
forming on the lash
a ponder
condemnation masks
love and drives it on
in protection
an hour
lying head out for the sea
that a mountain may violently
just a shaded area
the heart in want of need
fast as a poet heeds
and that a darkness can explain
the latter end of job
much work to do
much life to live
to say
a bit
drown under future ice
that quasaric imaginative black ratiative reflections
kept from forming
a saying
unheard but echoed through the nights
clicking and clanking of keys
a proud boy jingling change
for all to hear he earned
a kiss
wandering lustfully lost just a moment
red faced sunburn
the dozen or so suns or moons retell
the heart
back to the shadow
the cusp
and still perturbed through natural friction
light lingers like rational thought
only for moments as these
where love in
the heart
black holes
hold off
the sane the wicked and the lame
dying for one more moment
in the shadows alone
lashes hold adhesive
cohesive torrents
unrented boats fears androgyny
calloused finger tip
chained in evolution's jealousy
just one moment in dust
one more moment
would torture eternity

A Winy Impress (white bearded noise)

Bottles and Bodies in plain sight
election day is over
recycling and many things
can now be put on back

underground fallacy
the doors locked
eating flesh above ground
what a strange eerie sound
of two words almost the same
misunderstanding in the way of kings

hear the laughter
be at ease
iron rod in hand
the children run
but fear to cross imaginary border
and where there is blood spilled
in cold hard ground
runs like rivers
separating nations
just a blur
listen now:


To Orderly Randomness Bow Down

Random words fill like empty calories
but thoughts behind can't help but shine
in this foam several sometimes blend
an itchy scratchy place like a beard shadow

one or two follicles
tic or toc
going once
going twice?

this quantum nonsense designated and authorized
being pulled along by a weakened force leaving behind
favorite phases for having one and the same life
guess again there is bound to be a right choice


wings are spread to collect the wind
snowlike words spin in eddies seeming disaster
but slight adjustments of peripheral feathers
feel the coming changes in dreams instinctual


drippings electric
hands on healing
shocked rocked
dancing ceremony
middle class devil
brought the bow down
by bowing down to profit

this is the false way and believe
that your mustard seed bursts by the shore as a tree
and what your hands could not communicate to one another
is stored in (impossible quantum fluxuations beyond infinity) the source


Thoughts circling
around a pillar
community ready
Philistines gathered
and hair grown once again
her cuts were enough
trust has brought here

Honey riddles
Judah splits off
Samaritans in ditches
paying back 1000 fold
one life
for all top Rankin'
the ancient solitary god is just

down comes the meeting place
and upon mind is her attractiveness and lies
regrets crumble with these stones to dust
the very last thought
it was true love
and an angel repays a billion fold.