Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mind & Heart

At the gathering
I watched in plain sight
the secret thoughts
that did accompany
the motions and actions
of a father and son

He did ask to be put on high
and up He went on shoulders
of Father

His sight was higher
and smiled in wonder
at things down under
known by heart

For to stay He would for hours
down seated on Earth his mother
waving and smiling

For this the gathering
I had been called
to see such tenderness
and to know
up on High my child sits
in an angry season
where Mom has fits
and Father's old heart
rock hard does soften
at the smile of a few
and a dozen
a calm before a storm
where the meld
on the seat wild
iron rod
case closed
the threshold
birth of one
not of woman
for a second
death must occur
at birth
because the water is broken
see the rainbow floating?

Before I asked
I was struck
swung upon shoulders
and look in wonder
bubbling up from His heart
a wonder of wonders
and no tears
at the gathering
after the judgment has passed
everyone welcome
even the first and the last.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I Was Once Called Romeo

So Juliet~
screaming from the balcony
can your eyes distinguish me?

Can your thoughts bend around me
can your love feel me
and your compassion be tender to me?

Are you hard and solid where needed to be
and give way at distances free?

Is your emotion a shadow
or the sun?
or an object in between?

Can you raise my body
like some hot toddy

Can you sooth these thoughts
with no effort on my part
cause I work hard
to remain in the end
especially if its impossible.

Can you do these things?
That which I never win
or wander away from
when not trying
cool breeze
just be
screaming from your balcony free
I'm bound to stop by to see who calls.

Refracting Pool

In ancient Earth
all written on walls
gorging out cylindrical holes
leaving debris in depths
but water flows
or festers
and evaporates

Take a moment
hone it
begin again the journey
sweet as honey

those things thought needed
are stowed in baggage
put down for a time
and the clash is clear
and the knowledge fear
and the evidence here

but this love cannot be returned to
or rummaged through searching for some clothing
some need for survival
it is like the carrot for the horse
but there is a vast surrounding
which is life and balance
look but don't focus back
focus but enjoy the full scene
moment is eternal
but won't come again

and where we dance
is fluid and forever
gentle and unsure
solid like a rock a heart
and thought hovering
like some tidal pool
fluctuates and is immature
needed that way
stand steadfast
swim in tender gifts
hold back not time.