Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tobacco Prophet

Sacred plant
prayer carrier
mosquito chaser
parasite killer
gift for elder

lung cancer click
in life expectancy
cool hall menthol
juvenile delinquency
way beyond earning of years

wound poultice
synthetic toxicant
left with diapers
snow white
crystal slipper
life extender filter
bad apple
brilliant marketing
walkey seed
spoiled the whole bank
magic beans corn squash
jack squat.

Silly harvest
sacrificed face
burnt offering wind in eyes

Once sacred
now abundant abomination
smoke billow carry water droplet drop through sky
clear atmosphere
reaching this side of posted sign

tumbling leaves
cement roads slow
accumulated dust
soon and just once
will not be swept eternally
now knows is 
nobody here
US profits.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Breakfast (Written May Fourth Two-Thousand-Nine)

So its over
and the tears are shed
stored in ink well
placed down hollow quill
the end

The whispers manifest
a destiny to contemplate
fake emotion
unrealistic projection
a project in confidence
obsession enameled
broken incessant ache

[But for this warm beating
this blood has been left for bleeding

but for this special place
behind a wall now hidden

(tread lightly
game has no consequence
the trip is part of the act
clap at the expert dribbler)

but for this love
it’s over and passed

but for this life
the future
the end

but for this panic
grip as slipping
battered hands
for dear life

(wounds only observed
when placed for jest
found rest—
arrest this human
dance in humor)]

and these random letters
designed to decieve
only mind
and capture heart
just a part between A and Z
one by one
they sing out loud
like white water
or some peacock plume
dried out
fallen and rotten

so what high plane
does this song bring
while tearing down
for amusement
some future scene
a city green?

where no other place
as close as this
as sure as now
muddle through somehow
and finish well


just one letter
put together
goes without saying
yet not resisted
to tell

Serious Intent (written 04/26/2009)

Serious intent

pointed in the direction of flight
sleepless torture
with or without

obsession on explaination
reiteration on rationalization

court in session
the riddle is the judge
allusion the jury
can you act like the executioner

Conclusion for Flores (written 02/15/09 2:15 PM)

This is the conclusion:
The summit and the summary:
I am an expert in nothing.

So was before birth and after
no not I mean nihilism
nor know not I mean nietzscheanism

even though:
nothing will happen again
and again
so I've chosen what I've been appointed to be:
an expert in nothing.

Scene on campus dancing
despair in exaust
getting the rock to the top
of the
sometimes it slips halfway up
and that one don't count
so on the Sabbath
I forego formality
and bury my head in

once again
and it is even
silly each time
so I smile and find my mates
to study nothing:

An illogical revelry
in reveries
rant and rage
for some summation
of knowledege to topple
while I babble and build bombs
to bring down my own world.

And only unfurled
rhythm and rhyme
falling petals
on frozen ponds
so the echoes are like hard pack snow.


Spirit whispers

something all today

quiet simple
happens today

the fruit of divorced present
so sweet it is short
by the falling of souls

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dragon Crap

Squeeze off a round
show strength
abandon inhibition
civilization is captivator
watch survival
cold air

Earth old sensed
feel each step before you stride
take the time
roses are a dime a dozen
and the washing of hands
are always needed after this romantic shop stop

Grow the flowers
pick the seedless fruit
efficiency the key
frozen in the lock
in and out of visibility
drum the way to saftey
in the cave are the spirits
they show the way
clean water cistern
bladder pure
hook heart
love unbound
attitude forced in side emotion the difficulty born
push pull feet on the floor
walk at words from sea
choiceless feel free.