Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Impossible Third Realm (The Payola)

to be wonderful
to be difficult
to fulfill

December 31, 2009 19:13 U.T.

Lunar occurence
rare - but many in one life
average span
twice a month

from the sea
hear the waves
wave goodbye
she's flying away

divorced from Earth
spinning light face
there's a man up there
it's quite simple to see
show what is done
offspring happy

once a month
female in pack
who gets the alpha
unison the great

they come home
eat drink merry
cause there there is no death

playing the blues in flesh
rocking the world
rarely full twice a month
a blue moon

Co-Hosts (Written May 21,2007)

Did I coalesce
this nest-
this earth,
and why have I
fallen into pain?

Calling upon
the One who sees
all time

There - Here:
One and the same

How is it faith
never falters in groans
when questions are never quenched,
am I creator
or created?

One and the same.

Just a Windy Clear Moment

Yellow yard
branches dancing
man made canal
water fall
just and eddy sun
reflected white light
broken window church
spires coarse
dunce in the corner of course
changing a word OM
music blaring
feel barefoot aware
border between cold and warm
not cool
stricken astir
watching fall turn to winter
on the eve this yellow-green
a voice in the background
dog jingle collar
temporary excitement
particle collision
this Time
trees waving
inviting the passage of like some drama
for children caught
in what this is
to make entertainment ease

The New Ones

Not fully scene fit
full frontal face on
forced but felxible neck

close to edge a guest
may come again
buds rake past leaves
gusty day wind imagine
holding on to justice
yes just
dirt under nails

Latest Poem On Poems

As the sun pulses through wind blown leaves
a code is portrayed I cannot concede
but I'm sure it's not this cliche
in theses square boxes I live-in this day
so who's to say
that poetry is rotten
and language is dead
while meaning what it does like a cloud overhead

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dramatic Lisence

Volcanoes and quasars
meteors and affairs
hard life central Earth
hunger and strife
excess calling consequence
in mid-range between the supergiant
and the microsmall
an infant in stillness
mellow causing pain
dance with surrounders
to fit in just a simple way
where calm cause eddies of dust
foot down
king crown
curtain falls
seen silly
miss deeply regardless of all around

Coarse Platitudes

Still a sea
quarter a moon
soon trees broken again

fine particulate sand
from behind pulpit's hand
count them and see

give me back
horse whip
hay stack
latitudes 45 degrees
pig sty

sleep and collect
morning dew
shards of ice
frozen temperature drop
hardened air
dragon breath
description sandpaper
spoken vain manner