Friday, December 10, 2010

Second Sight

The projection through the trees
the mask that begs please
Bright pre-dawn jitters
few critters
nick knockin' click clockin'
tweet tweetin' reposing responding
phoney correct pronunciation
dunce on the hill dirty mouthing
the local spiritual leader in spirit
for a deep rooted misunderstanding of respect
what is My name?

What is the accent of my heart
the wild misgivings
about the treatment of women
pasts and futures planned
already written in possibilities
scratching bare surfaces
breaking splinters in prized staff
for a cane in old age
and wisdom of past histories
and modern mythical stories are not as holy

So the song was already sung
and the beat I think I heard in the stars
and the voices were deadly harsh
and the Earth did hear at moments loud
proclamations of simple choices
both quick and sudden
written ether coinciding
with levels of truth that we are hiding
behind mirrors of behavior

And there it was giving strength
by its name
and the leader that this colony claims
through the knowledge of its history it blames
called by name and expounded throughout the galaxy
and echo un herd
I am not one of you
you are one with me
I think there is a tribe that bares my name
I've dwelt there since the beginning
and in the wrong I've been blamed
the brand of the spoon and shame
do you know My name?

So bright and clouds came
the last thing seen
and into eddy son
time all
not come
rest I am here
and I know your name
the hour is set.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Humanity Is Love

Love is base and epiphenomenal to all else:
being behind and above every action,
below and beyond everything,
and in the wonders of humanity
forsaking all objectivity
it is the truth of this matter ephemerally
we carry forever in that moment we be.