Friday, April 1, 2011

Atoms (Corpuscles)

The vast chain of particles
in miniscule stretches uncertain
one upon another had come
to observe all knowledge
as it is called upon and seen fit.

In extreme isolation in on itself
eating fruit, tearing the lion,
suckling milk, and building honey
the judgement had come.

In water time cleansed
and in fire inhale smoke
enlightenment inspiration:
accept malediction in uncertain
to be forever auspicious


Got the muzzle.
Playing with puzzles.
Childhood haven.
Spirit unshaven.
Got to riddle:

Slackers in shadows of dusty hooves time racing for checkers and profitable games.

While waiting.
Mirror dancing.
Jasper city: antennae.



Chaotic borders
about yeah thick
crossed by consiousness
fallow infernal lies
theory of mind
hyper active hypothesis
over active imaginings
web service

Dates and dining
ends and becomings
reflections on this
what I was
while I am
death slough off
this dingy mess
this theory ununderstandable
unity more than mere thought
grasping stretching
money making
kings of flesh
stomach growling.

World views unattainable
here is what I be
and to the master dictation
hand on stylus
spinning needles and moments
generational crossing
ancestral descendents
theory in mind altering
like galaxies spirialing.

Just one small thing:
I own the copyright
I get all the royalties

That mote of molten gold at my feet!
Do you even have a crown to cast at me?

In life grasping
In death dying
This is what is coming.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Written In Stone

The angled minds of men
like chipping tools
with agenda
forming tribes and cities and nations
currents in the sea
eddies cropping up against me
setting your army
in the midst of me
but in shadows
where you cast yourselves
for the glory of your leaders
your idols
is the true accomplishment
the treasure only I will see.

The Evening Star

Conception indivisible
invisible behind the soul
come to reach the cusp
forming like sponge
information to last to see
around to visibility
in a core of corpse cycling
wishing to be in evening
a spider walked up to me
and laughed at my complexity
it was part of me

"You dog you can
I'll kick you down
crawl up the sprout
then down and out
stories of rain
what have you
back to opposed you
palm due
radial symmetry
do you know even an eighth of me?"

Here be birth again to me.