Friday, November 13, 2009

The Prophet of Dreams (Written June 2005)

letters left
on leaves
lintels posted pure
a cure a crime
hold my hand and I
my dominance over

let go
and I can converse no more
you are on your own
search like me isolated
deserts of lust and desire
lakes where artificial
floods~unbalance and
insects feeding~drinking

letter found to be read
had a makeout session
come outside the shell
me on tight intellectual
lost conversations of
red white and blue

around the stream corner
deep waters breath held
stand strong on rocks
do the dance
perform the ultimate
wet and sun beaming
dreaming pain
I can not be here
long age gets hold
dead end of evolved~
half adapted and
the environment changes
s-shaped slithering
boned and creaky
freaky to panic at the
age where the last drop
is brought to end the race
to glory and perpetual


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