Sunday, November 8, 2009


Sun spattered
shattered islands
milked from one true source
of course there are holes
swaying on the surface of this discourse
cause galactic shards are more than one sun
and a cluster of similar tensions swaying in lenses
just fallen leaf matter after all mostly maple
light canceling
not registering
look the border shadow
dark medium carrying reflections
the heart
a holey mind
sits in all different postures
a break
obsessions deer print alike
a tear
holds solitude so dense for acceptance
sing full lungs of air it breathes
to find the darkness
where there is eternal ease
forming on the lash
a ponder
condemnation masks
love and drives it on
in protection
an hour
lying head out for the sea
that a mountain may violently
just a shaded area
the heart in want of need
fast as a poet heeds
and that a darkness can explain
the latter end of job
much work to do
much life to live
to say
a bit
drown under future ice
that quasaric imaginative black ratiative reflections
kept from forming
a saying
unheard but echoed through the nights
clicking and clanking of keys
a proud boy jingling change
for all to hear he earned
a kiss
wandering lustfully lost just a moment
red faced sunburn
the dozen or so suns or moons retell
the heart
back to the shadow
the cusp
and still perturbed through natural friction
light lingers like rational thought
only for moments as these
where love in
the heart
black holes
hold off
the sane the wicked and the lame
dying for one more moment
in the shadows alone
lashes hold adhesive
cohesive torrents
unrented boats fears androgyny
calloused finger tip
chained in evolution's jealousy
just one moment in dust
one more moment
would torture eternity


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