Friday, November 13, 2009

The Great Father (Written April 20, 2009)

The last Prophet is the greatest
yet no prophet at all
it all has been said
the last Prophet
is decision and action
not prediction
The last Prophet
lives his vision:
his sight is no matter
The last Prophet
does not say:
“What you sow you reap”
but takes pleasure
in saying:
“I told you so”
In abundance he toils alone
but in his hunger cries
his company abounds
He bends the coin in his teeth
and chokes on rust
He sees the rainbow in the water
but cannot drink
The key to the abyss
He gives to his enemies
and spews the rust he chokes
to kill the locusts
The last Prophet
finds this alone
and is in His head
and brings an end
to good and bad
the Last Prophet
dies in the sea that
washes away his prints
wiping tears from Our eyes
And gives Himself
to whoever persists
to seek Themselves
who are He


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