Monday, June 7, 2010

Plea Bargain

She falls in her knees
and weeps for her equality
"I had not asked for this-
take it away from me."

And wisdom reply:
"This is the gift I had given
it cannot be refused
for it is sodden
solid and hewn from diamond."

And she begs for mercy
still and this knowledge to be forgotten
and her master had said things
that don't sit well with her
bitter in her stomach
so sweet on his lips.

Stand in equality
for he battles with you
and you cannot weaken him
for in a place hard to reach he sits
and you know his name
kiss the son
his anger flares.

His jealousy is like a thousand stars exploding
and his voice washes away hundres of thousands of armies
and their false imaginings against him
solid he is and in compromising him
he falls back to positions
that wipe out even the perfect one
for he is judge
and can endure all things
he is good.

So she begs
in fantasy singing
imagining he lost his battle
but in that place
the torment rises
in joyous knowledge never to be surpassed
begging for grace already attained
and continuoslty she hears a voice say
"come with me
for for eternity already have you been."


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