Saturday, June 12, 2010

Own Right Hand

I beg don't leave me
men and women
because then I would have to be
in the presence of angels

I beg don't leave me angels
good and evil
because then I would be left with . . .

who would hear if not human ears my prayer?
are you sitting up front?
I beg don't leave me here
to talk to . . . 

if not in the tongues of angels
and they had left
who would listen to my prayer?

Men and Women I plead don't leave
for then angels would take your place
good and evil spiritual beings
my nephesh cherubs
don't leave me
you are my source of strength
for who would say
that was a mighty prayer and speech
if you were to leave?

Where is this treasure
of secret things
in relation to others
who praise mighty men
on appearances
I'm just flesh
don't leave me in the presence of . . .

The Redeemer.


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