Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hay Rides

roller coaster
boot camp
smile for photo

wear the smile proud
hear the silent sound
all suspects line up close
who might not come
may never leave

work to do
lambs to feed
dark shepard

sheep in wolf clothing
eaten alive
wolves aren't so bad
just ask the stork
or the serpent
at large

like a gust of smoke
spiralling toward the stars
return to cave
till' yuppie hipster Jack
grows down back into his beard
gets head overfilled Paper work
smile from ear to ear
fall and winter are coming
just keep from
the sleepy dust
for mountains rest in peace
and what was the glimmer I saw before?
a wink
twinkle version of A to Z
and a bundle of mail unopened
jig-saw puzzle on a bumpy hay ride?
will she kiss me?
and running after her
he says unsure
Miss? Miss?
you dropped a piece


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