Friday, September 11, 2009

Evoked by the Returning to Cars after the Wild Sight with Plants and Animals Watching (written 7/10/2009)

So as a crowd
we lumbering
back up to lot
pick and choose our sides
coincidentally only guided by familiarity
and the hot speedy
black water pleasantly scorches bare feet
as it slowly
and unrecognizably molten
inches its way with gravity
back down the mountain in heat

And the solitary man
with pictures in hand
holds them looking and smiling
while lost spiraling above in pity rolling
holy hearts only believed in dreams
and second hand echoes
say it to he unsure of the calling

because struggling
while slow dancing
with the water nymph
he harrows false heroes
and watches the reflection crying
trying to squeeze out salty resolution

and this painting
this image recollecting
is in some sequence unforgetting
the time or temperature of day
but sun was up and clear in sight
wording wisdom in silly questions of eternity

and quelling a dire need
for musing a quilling seed
scattered out the falling
of the tempests breed

that surely and necessarily believed
may still soon come
but stayed with phenomenal restraint
aided by a simple switch and anti-psychotic drugs


Fallen Oak said...

This was inspired by a most memorable day of my life.

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