Saturday, September 12, 2009

Make Love, Not War: a cute couple

Vine flagellant half cell warriors
burst forth into ocean
double d day
single solitary sun
battle begun

red blood grows
in shadows working
slipping through the cracks
barely read
sweet esoteric saftey

just imagery
imagining how to fully
fill my love

with less stress
triple crown
race that horse
flagellate di$course
no mind T0 greed in gambling
fulfilling prophecy
whilwind connection
cut the chord and the passage to the eggroot
be masculine vine simple inject jealous pleasure
emote after taste
small price to pay


Fallen Oak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fallen Oak said...

I turned the previous comment into the post post. Have some faith- god is dead for christ's sake :)

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