Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dark Touch (The Larger Realm)

To reach out in the night
the black hand of lonliness
at airports we are whispered to beware
on the screen all the nasty things
rape, robbery, pedephillic snares
taking candy from a baby.

Dread touch
man's eye tooth still deep root
heal for touch
a fine nest egg

time for the change
the meteor strikes
or what it will take
for to end mundane strife
and return again
to small patches of egalitarian
politically correctness
sustainable gatherings
on larger scales

in center of shards milky way soul
highway behind each separate fence
the dark sheep herd blats noise
radiation like background voice
emanating field collectivety blankets out
spirals-in-matters touching presently
humanity- in some semblance of self-aware
hawks idea death informs to evaporate for meal.


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