Sunday, August 23, 2009

Feel a Chant Coming

Back twisted
comfort smile
invest time/mile
ancient style

to who does hear
these classic lines
to twist the mind
leaving out mine

and only in rant from now and then
a cyclic obsession begins again
a melody begun for one reason
survival of the most recent season

so in the pit standing horde
flame childlike swinging sword
on top of hill the king does sit
jealous of hell in an angry fit

he atop't in revelry
comes harrowing down
as no other living being could cause
at first is the draft
at last is the draw
float up above inebriation
genetic clause
Santa had abbandoned long ago with coal

so as the center slowly dissapates
grown to a cinder slow burn awaits
the holey to holey one singularity creates
a simple image of a poem


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