Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lots of Riches

Intensive research
refined by the master
redefined by the fire
taking over

what have you got?
bring that judgement
keeping them in business
fear of death done

Care for torture
worst case senario
in darkness
something takes hold
the victim becomes king

pierced cut by lovers
in heart a wonder
of wonders
this will destroy everything
burning death
cha ching
chi choice
refined gold molten
see theonepattern
repeated infinitely diverse
that is not the beeping of a alarm clock
it is the cheering of a great crowd

just one voice
owning the copyrights
and getting all the royalties
who is the richest?


Anonymous said...

If I could make a wish
And have it last forever and a day,
I would take you in my arms
And this is where I'd stay..
For there's no one else I know
That holds my heart like you,
And I know someday, baby,
You'll realize this is true.

If I could make a wish
Your lips would be on mine,
I'd slowly sip and savor you
Like only the finest wine.
For there's no one else I know
That gives me so much pleasure,
And I know someday, baby,
You'll see that you're my treasure.

If I could make a wish
Our bodies would unite,
There's nothing I'd love more
Than making love all night.
For there's no one else I know
Who gives me passion like you do,
And I know someday, baby,
All my wishes will come true.

If I could make a wish
I'd start by making things right,
I'd take away all your doubts,
And hold you through the night.
For there's no one else I know
That means as much you see,
And I know someday, baby,
You'll learn to trust in me.

If I could make a wish.
It would be just you and me,
No worries in the world,
Just happy as can be.
For there's no one else I know
Who with me, makes the perfect rhyme,
And I know someday, baby,
In another place in time.

If I could make a wish
I'd go to the next lifetime to be with you,
I know that you're my soulmate,
There's no doubt I know it's true.
For there's no one else I know
That is my destiny,

Anonymous said...

I see you have a new follower on the ...

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