Saturday, April 23, 2011

Time's Father (Sought Some Animal)

In each path there lurks an end
that stalks like Jaguar
with no intent to maim
or to just harm again
but to kill and feed its fill

so silent sits a Turtle
with ever so much to say
about decision and choice
and credit and responsibility
the student taps the shell
in question and answer
but in fear the head retracts in
then Blue Jay appears
screaming his way
taking back territory

Sun does set
and paths still are clear
Owl hoots dropping bones and hair
littering the floor of Earth who laughs
at Man plans

dawn does awake
Jaguar's not mistaken
and the shadow casts horns
in its place
stomachs growl then dumb dull thumping
hearing the knocking
he knocks and he knocks
channeling Earth laughs
Woodpecker somehow
steers the stalker's will to be wind
cold and harsh
it seeks shelter

to pass in Man mind
rains on high
watering the devilish bed
where tears once adhered

in midheaven neither infinite
nor infinitesimal
to wonder begins no decision
and ends no choice
the Infant path
when water breaks
death's door does bathe
changing the prison
the solidification
the judgement
and none neither escape
nor grow farther than Father
dancing while awake.


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