Thursday, December 17, 2009

Come Search for The Golden Trees

Fast food
these signs clearly posted
as true carrier of truth and wonder
walks outside
inside the box
that written of sole self
on the walls

and judgement
no meaning
it was sunset so look to sunrise
a blindfold in secure social animal
what is a shaman
who is the baptiser
and who are these two men in radiance
standing beside the holy one

only what you bring
can he see
can he know my need
who has written in this childlike maturity
of only days in bleak moon halves
chasing the sarchastic wisdology
of lower truths
conquering he
ah ha
she forwards the laugh
but cannot live beyond her owners wants and needs
and this leaves me sitting
saying unto me
on your feet son of homo sapien
walk on your lips are molten
and can travel time
to save the future of
the stairway
they said the devil owned.


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