Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sharpened Edged Shadow

Sequential electric street lights
cause multiple person shadow disorder
some weaker than others
they spatter out in disarray
these shadows
like spoken through light's mouth
as singularity dropped into dark puddle
which to trust?
all are tame
and lull secure
in dichotomic perfect contractions
and they circle around
like merry-go-rounds
but stick-up knives to the back
as they kill one another off
like they move

Solitary lunar sharp shadow
and in vagueness light imperceptible
from countless visible and invisible stars
it follows and trusts
a wild shadow
to keep both eyes
focused and alert
it will never slip
or give rest
in clear cloudless solitariness
'till full lunar dusks are new


Fallen Oak said...

This one shows a distinct difference between the wild and civilization.

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