Saturday, November 7, 2009

FREEDOM (temporay indulgence learned)

Gather ground nonsensical
so silly these restraints
egomaniacal vacant
I am just the one that sees
a starlight night
know me?
At last I & I
Pumpkin seeds scattered on the sidewalk
traveling minstrels scream
clapping each time I sing
fairness is all treasures stored
and only the friction from one hand to another
knows the entropy employed
viewing momentary indulgence
quarter time unholy
remembrances slowly drift and re-write
smell of onions and musk
causing no tearing
just peeling on the wall
shedding of all that is wrong
powerful attitude strong
footplanted rooting leaves on
grip loosened like unchained
storage abhorred
and smoke until endings
prayers unending
knee pads
need long polyandrous molecules
words too wrong
but profit in each syllable spoken
to extend the stay and allocated time
egodrepressiacal polar bears dancing/fighting are dead


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