Monday, November 16, 2009

Hungry for Life

Once I saw a lonley deer
reach the top of the hill
to give out her attention
if the herd was there
I sat in silence
watching the event
reminiscent of the reason
I beheld
her slowly drift away
back to the shadows
never aware
I was there

Once I saw the herd
during daylight
I alone
disrupted them
that is how I saw
slowly they moved out of my way
from quite a distance
me being me
I let out a scream
like a mountain lion
they picked up the pace
and then again I roared
and began to run
their trot turned to gallup
then I turned on the charm
played the role
coyote stole
and gave a growl
like in primal days
and then I saw it

no longer did the deer
see a headlight
or a car
they saw not the grave stones
or the paved roads
they were running for their lives
an Eartly fright
high cholesterol
pumping fight
I saw it
I the lion let out a laugh
and the dread came over my eyes
I let out another scream
as they dissapeared
in the wood
yes this was life
yes this will be life
but now bound
in daily preponderance
of ticks
clocks punching swiping
heart pumping


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