Friday, November 11, 2011


Wander in the small patch of woods
to gather some to kindle a fire
to practice for a time
that is past.

Circle they in power of numbers
the pilgrims with candles
progess to a time
that is future.

Seen they who come in darkness
this fun must be hidden
in a panic time

They who chase after profit
fish sticks to worship
the descendents
still battle.

But these roots they dread
hidden in him this head
past by the dwellers of darkness
poisoning the body and Earth
as the shaking quake
the illuminating snake
slithers past their laws
secure in the thought that Moon and Sun
can't compare to these boots
that dance in energy
of the seed
so bright and shinning
before the dawn
the gift of love
powerful perfection in a mystery
to be present
goodness gracious
the past without aknowledgement
and this fire
warms the Soul.


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