Friday, May 6, 2011

The Temple II

Carrying carven staff
weight emmense
extraneous pieces hacked off
exertion in tapas
to arrive at the gate
of the temple.

Seated waiting
hearing the music
she says to me
"your staff scared me.
it reminds me of the chosen's
but we know this to be not true."
we waited at the gate
to the temple.

She continued to talk
but the music got loud
I took off my earphones
but still could not hear
saying: "I'm cursed."
she agreed
but then the deafness did fade
and I began to hear her
in my innocence
I assumed she resided
in the temple.

There were mighty men
performing wonderful physical feats
carrying heavy drums
up the path to the garden
moving with ease
in and outside the temple
knowing I was far from this
I asked her a question I cannot recall
then she blushed
and got flustered
thinking I proposed
I told her I did not
and showed her pictures
while waiting
for some response
from the temple.

A huge crowd gathered
and I lost myself
engaged in the work
overcome by the temple.


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