Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Wonderous Dam

And here they say there are enemies
an unlikely guide under the stone
and in the path the splash
at the sandbar decision
to cross the road

smooth the water torrents down
and the mammal I cannot avoid
in this hunger and deprivation
like a pet I speak what I told:

"We are lonley
for there is only our kind
and the bridesmaids
await to answer the impulse
to cast off time
and as to approach
they scatter for fear of our spirit
knowing it's our home."

The master smacks the tension
with the paddle
upright and fodder for thought
climbing towards
just a word spoken in ease
and the turtles become protected
leather foot dross thorn worked out
through active participation in spirit
learn not to egnore the base struggle
the silly childish issues
that truth calls
onward toward the hairy pond.

Like the nuclear blast
working on the trees
building warm homes
for ease of friend and families
a testament to forgiveness
into the extreme suffering end
just this case to be said:

"We are lonley
where are you?
They run from us
we are just
deprived and hungry
on this soft moss
in lotus I wonder
what lights the clouds
from just beyond my border
you snowball
you melt in seasons of cycles
where are you
this pool so ancient
perfection in its delicateness
in its ephemeral waver
these tears give off scent
of your feigned unawareness
or was it just a lesson from a new friend
in childlike joy slapping
Beaver signals
in reflection purterbate
as to how many there really are

We are alone."

One pond holy
in bound no bounds
a paradise
wonderful subconscious
natural endless dam
wonderous beyond
because written is the deed
but unaccumulate
into freedom is one.


Fallen Oak said...

Depends on what you mean by "high."

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