Friday, November 5, 2010

Torn Flesh and Emotions Fight, Flight, and Run

Early for a choice such as this
caught in the rays beginning in the East
a sight on horizons in tangents do come
torn flesh and emotions fight, flight, and run.

To take to the sky complications rife
strife and strive for endings plain
again the sound come over the seas
please return to home and be

ever again
calling words
hearing rants
having truth

Are scribbling to feel a certain way
day after day it comes this way
making warnings like on iron road
or twinkling signs banging the road

beating the chest
laying the law
scribing the line

and here comes the dreaded time
wineless inebriation feeling fine
a little vengeance
unworthy of holiness
yet coming that time

Forgetting some silly wish
sun setting in the west
Earth plays rhythms like my drum
torn flesh and emotions fight, flight, and run.


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