Monday, September 27, 2010

Unalterable Fire

As crossing the cold sea:
the depth unfathomable;
the waves relentless;
lips turning purple;
fingers shriveling;
cities on shore;
fires and warm breezes;
food and drink;
cross the sea.


Fallen Oak said...

An abstraction of chapter 29 of The Tao Te Ching sublimated with Re 20:11

Fallen Oak said...

Also is the Zen Circle: is as is. As crossing the cold sea- blah blah blah -cross the sea.

Anonymous said...

You're my angel in the night
you're everything i think of
everything i dream of.

Yours is the voice i hear when
The moon steals the day.

Yours is the voice
i hear when the sun sneaks
in to warm me.

When my heart aches with lifes pains,
you are my angel.

I never expected someone like you.
Someone kind and loving as you.

You snuck into my life like a true
angel in the night

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