Monday, May 10, 2010


there is a missing sink
and love biodegradable
the shelf life stinks
what a view.

quick meal and an ironic state
birthday cards
and plastic plates
toxic gifts
an a laughing blubbering fool saying:

First a woman having everthing
and taking more than she should
then a woman having relatively nothing
takes nothing cause she can't.

What do you want?
a rock and roll band
no you don't.

What do you want?
my poetry published
no you don't

What do you want?
no you don't.

Now were talking
why do you speak through a bush?
. . . (no answer)
as footsteps fall away
I say: Why do you talk to a bush?
now were talking.

The King of scar chasm
invites the devil with outstretched hand
and calls forth legion to rise from fallen swine
and casts forth performance in prayer
and goods from behind fence hidden
and masked with bark divided by a fence
and life threatened
The King commanded to do what is already being done
where are your things?
the cartoon asks at the pearly gates
but he says to me I believe at this time
Where are your prayers?

You will not remember the blood from the streets
you will not remember the rainbow water
shame for you wishing to die
when its time to eat the feast of the beast
who is wrestled to the ground
by a child avoiding important business
gets the crutch from the cold and burns dead offerings
and its throat slit for the blood to sanctify the polluted earth
as fire spews forth purely in spirit
devouring the hollow past
creating what created it
giving life to what is ghast

As I reach out to swat in superiority
I retract out of pity
and this is balance
fattened in the middle
I teach the only soul listening.

You You You You and You
I own this land
and I will take it from each of you
simply by cutting your power
and you all will be no longer
shadows of the eddy son.

She had everthing
and took more from me
she has her nothing
and won't accept my hand
this is Irony
hug a tree
listen to me.

assume the position
I would run from thee
but buttress time
to collapse the temple for thee
but me
I am cold in a kite
a dragon in a child
and separate you did from me
just as I asked of thee
giving me a hard time
not really
babe philosophy:
the farther you go
the lesser you see
don't get me
balance sliding on a tree
I will sue the placer of the rock
cause I hold the copyrights of me and thee
and this place that supposedly

simple . . .


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