Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hundreds of hot springs
due fill the valley
and quakes snake the river forming
in the absence of wings
a King's cave comes thrusting
where he'll hide his jewels
that secrecy horded

Time turns over
this land now pumping
it mixes like blood
sliding as roots gently attempt
to puncture sand like skin
that glisten like glass
in the heat of the rising sun

Winds trickle down
the shafts of arrows flying
from consciousnesess rising
entering again a war

The foot impress
from species ephemeral dancing
trying to sense erotic pinnacle
battle standing at end
again and again
tastes the salty river
for the vision to entangle
nuclear molecules
on boards of black sin
only the finest
spread abroad

And this red
sheds deep
to co-create
ancestor's wish


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