Saturday, February 20, 2010


I cross this bridge alone
this aching pain
eternal and present
the out lay of my love

as I blend
no mystery or fate
grander that this belief
that all is I
again and again

but no weariness
in bodily fraility
in this box
all to inspire
is a caw of crow
or the shift of ice
or ancient footprints
left minutes ago
the doe

mind all drown
in desertlike
town so manicured
mayhem to come

oh bye word spoken
disaster renoun
when on other shore
these red foot falls
this aching blood
this youthful body
sweating for life
in unimportant eddies
dancing like birds
sports and beer
ape flatulence
and drool

beating growing
like mushrooms in absence
drained of humiliation
I embattle
the last drop of my love
gushes the thrush
and the call of a juvenile hawk orphaned
bids me on to perform the rite

to change complicated solos
to simplistic fun
fancy verses
to aid in self doubt
and this fellow feeling hollow

far from spent
the ocellations
of the mathmatical osprey
cartoonlike overhead
monetary jargon dead
the male gorgon said
as he shook his dread
and it all rolled up
his emotion frayed
the judgement of some childish world
grey and dark
carrying weight too heavy for the Earth

this chrysalis
shared relativity
no one may stop
when it is whole in the end
when it is home once again


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