Sunday, December 27, 2009

Humpty Dumpty

For I battle over possession
in this small little world
with fences, lawns and laws and deals
where what is free
is lesser than what is earned

For I could print things
making humpty dumpty
fall and crack
and as I walk on his shells now
I will dance on  his white world fallen then.

For I found the bread crumbs
hooked line and sinker
from her face
to her heart
love walled up repressed
will just burst again and again
and I couldn't care less
I own nothing.

I stumble with pain
again and again
forgivness is on my side
with time please
again and again I will beg
let me walk beside her.

And that I truly feel this whimper
and want to move forward
is what makes me the kind of man that I am
and I will live like me
whatever comes my way 


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