Sunday, September 20, 2009

Daily Shadow Healing

the local Medicine Man
calls me to the shadows
to weep and moan this moon

there he prepares fires
to cauterize my wound

with chants to the effect:

see no more
in everything the cause of your woe
four walls have been thrown up
and there is no way to know
bring the body to the pyre
burn her-- she is dead.

Think in fondness of memories
listen for the voice
ponder an unfilled cup
and filled at the crow's caw
small nests in crevices
hadn't always been seen
hatred anger jealousy
small emotions
burnt in fire

as I flail and flip
in convulsions
he holds the red stick firm

that glows searing flesh
Over Man!
he says-
hate your love no more
see! everywhere
the darkness pass

and as I reach to take a sip
it overflows upon my lips

to quench my thirst it drips
down my arms in rivers
upon my hands like words
trickle down my beard

this drink is cool but absurd
to never see green light again
I laugh at Alice everywhere
and calm her death from here
I contemplate resurrection simple
affectionate memories
jealousy could not kill

as I leave some tobacco
for the Shaman who heals
I walk away
and he flaps away
like bats on my heels

Over Man remember
just a man
Beware the eve
woman is woman
see them everywhere!
savor them
in every flavor
in every season
but Love the dead

cause they bury each other
and he laughs again
coinciding with my own


Fallen Oak said...

I reworked this one-- to any people who like a version: You may want to save it cause they could change at no notice and dissappear at anytime: thats if you have the time:

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